Rubber soul
Beat All Expectations with Live Stream Content to Boost Sales

What We Do
Social Media Strategy
Marketing Campaign
The availability of online retail channels makes its easy for all to be retail entrepreneurs. They compete against each other with creative ideas, hoping to be the ones to set the trends. Rubber Soul, a maker of rubber slippers, is no exception. To be creative with products like flip-flops, the company eye on the rising platform of TikTok. The novelty of this channel, however, means that Rubber Soul has to choose marketing content wisely.
Jenosize advised Rubber Soul on live streaming to stimulate interest among buyers by picking a well-known entertainer to be the lead presenter of the content. This first foray into TikTok turned out a smashing hit. The client was able to sell its slippers in a maximum volume allowed on the platform.
Pairs Shoes Sales Order
Increased demand within 3 months
Impression Views


Jenosize encourages clients to test new boundaries. The reward of our creativity is a huge upside gain.